Nixon Silaspio
Indigenous Research Associate
Vavanga Village
Kolombangara Island
A Bit About Nixon
Nixon Silaspio is an indigenous Solomon Islander and chief of Vavanga Village. His traces his genealogy to both Kolombangara Island and Vonavona-Roviana-Marovo lagoons through both parent. Nixon’s professional background is as an electrical engineer, starting this journey with the Non Government Organisation (NGO) APACE (Appropriate Technology for Community and Environment) in the 1990s. Since 2000 he has been working with PELENA Energy (Based in Australia) and has gone on to develop micro-hyrdro electrification projects for many communities across the Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu. In Vavanga Nixon’s leadership has been invaluable in developing and seeing to fruition many community projects, including electrification, water supply, education and other community projects. Nixon (also his late father, chief Silaspio Lakevu) and the entire village of Vavanga have a history of supporting academic research, NGO initiatives, conservation and management projects. His leadership and respect across the entire Island of Kolombangara and Vonavona-Roviana-Marovo lagoons has been invaluable in garnering acceptance and access to customary areas by foreign researchers over the past 20 years.